About Me
A little more about me
Pronouns: They|Them|Theirs
Self-taught digital artist
Poet & Author
Puerto Rican
Academic Stuff
Pathobiology PhD Candidate at Brown University
NSF GRFP Fellow 2023-2026
B.S. Integrative Biology, Medical Humanities Minor
UPRRP-Class of 2021-Magna Cum Laude
Honors & Awards
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP, 2023-2026)
American Society for Microbiology Future Leaders Fellow (2023)
NIH T32 in Biological Data Science Appointee at Brown University (2022-2023)
Oliver Cromwell Gordon Arnold Biology Award at Brown University (2022-2023)
Initiative to Maximize Student Development (IMSD) at Brown University (2021-2022)
U.S. President's Gold Volunteer Service Award (2016)
Co-founder and Content Creator at Ciencia Pa' Todes (August 2020-Present)
Our mission is to provide a digital, accessible and educational space to scientists in training where discrimination in the field of science is addressed. We want to propose inclusive and inter-sectional solutions, while taking into consideration race, gender, sexuality, functional diversity, etc. Visit our page: https://www.instagram.com/cienciapatodes/?hl=en
Graduate Teaching Assistant at Brown University (Spring 2023)
BIOL1820: Environmental Health and Disease
This was my first assignment as a Teaching Assistant working under the guidance of Professor Jessica Plavicki. I was responsible for managing student attendance, hosting office hours/TA sessions, and assisting with grading. I also had the opportunity to present a guest lecture about the impact of colonialism on Puerto Rico's water supply.
Co-Instructor for Science Communication Module (March 2024)
Event organizer: Graduate Students of Color at Brown University
Curated an introductory module for graduate students interested in finetuning their science communication efforts or pursuing a career in science communication. Collaborated with co-instructor to create a panel and workshop components for the 3-hour long module
Research Mentor for Lumiere Education (July 2023-Present)
Mentored two international high school students during an intensive, 9-week and 15-week research program. They each generated a 6,000 word literature review that was submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.